Texas General Land Office (GLO)
The scope of DSW Homes' residential construction repair services encompasses a wide array of repairs, spanning from minor fixes to major construction projects. In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, one of the most devastating disasters in recent history, DSW Homes actively participated in the General Land Office's Hurricane Harvey Disaster Recovery Program. Demonstrating our commitment to the cause, DSW Homes successfully completed over 1,028 housing units, amounting to a contract value of approximately $231,546,878 thus far.
Since the onset of Hurricane Harvey, DSW Homes has tirelessly worked alongside the Texas General Land Office, offering expertise and support to affected residents. With a steadfast dedication to assisting those in need, DSW Homes continues to collaborate with the Texas General Land Office, ensuring that as long as residents require assistance from the aftermath of the Hurricane, their services will be available. By leveraging their expertise and experience, DSW Homes remains an essential partner for the Texas General Land Office, contributing to the long-term recovery and reconstruction efforts in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.