New York City Rapid Repairs Program
NYC Rapid Repairs was a program to help residential property owners affected by Hurricane Sandy make emergency repairs. These emergency repairs allowed residents to stay in their homes so that they could then complete more permanent repairs and finishes. Emergency repairs included permanent or temporary restoration of heat, power, and hot water, and other limited repairs to protect a home from further damage.
DSW was awarded a group of over 450 homes in the South Brooklyn/Coney Island area of New York City. On January 15, 2013, DSW opened up an office in Brooklyn, NY. On the morning of January 16, we started performing assessments on the flood-damaged homes. We started actual repairs on these homes on January 18, 2013. Ten days later, we were completing over 30 homes per day with over 175 daily craft labor on our job sites. All of these repairs were completed with no safety incidents.
Hurricane Sandy aftermath.
DSW Homes office in Brooklyn, NY.